He had awesomely choreographed action scenes and he was the wise man of the movie (kind of like Obi-Wan in Episode IV), giving you a certain level of attachment to his character.ġ.) There is no Star Wars introduction crawl. Blind-man Chirrut was awesome because although he was not technically a Jedi, he relied on the force in a way reminiscent of one. He has a heavy dose of personality and sarcasm and his death was simultaneously the most noble and the most devastating scene in the entire film. He looks very much like the Iron Giant, helpfully lending him an immediate loving emotional response from viewers. K-2SO, the reprogrammed Imperial droid, was the primary comic relief and fellow droid friend of Rogue One. They had a solid bromance and their deaths were arguably the second-most heart-wrenching deaths in the movie.ĥ.) Robot K-2SO and blind-man Chirrut Imwe. The closest thing to romance we have is the (assumedly) platonic love between badass blind-man, Chirrut Imwe, and his best friend, Baze Malbus. This is great, since there was little to no character or relationship development in this movie (See #3 in the next category), and it would have been a silly way to end their noble lives. Instead, they share a deeply emotional hug. Main characters Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor don’t kiss at the very end when facing their impending doom. This is a war movie, not a happy-go-lucky fairytale. Knowing this makes their deaths feel like less of a loss.Ĥ.) There was no romance. Plus, it’s not a common move to kill the protagonists of the story, so it is unique in that sense. Most importantly, everyone dies valiantly and gives a good sense of closure to the film’s viewers. Up until the very end the main characters prove they believed in their cause so deeply that they were willing to die for it. It would have been strange to have these heroes survive and then just magically disappear in the later films. This all helps first-time viewers and die-hard Star Wars fans to truly understand just how big of a win it was when Luke Skywalker destroys the first Death Star in the huge victory against the Empire in Episode IV.ģ.) Of course, everyone but Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin dies in the end, but this is to be expected since Episode IV never shows these heroes who gave their lives to locate the Death Star plans and, in fact, it flat-out states that many lives were killed in the process. Throughout the film, scathing remarks towards the Empire’s dominion are dropped. Shortly afterwards there’s an entire scene devoted to the Rebellion Allies discussing how much they hate the Empire.

A scene in the beginning shows how the maker of the Death Star was basically kidnapped and forced into creating the weapon, and a later scene on the Jedha planet we see stormtoopers militaristically escorting a small tank in the streets.

And, of course, we learn the story behind the great journey to locate the elusive Death Star plans. All of these bits enhance and clarify the Star Wars universe, giving it a greater depth.Ģ.) Rogue One effectively shows how terrible and oppressive the Empire had gotten before the Skywalkers make their debut. We also learn that, although Alderaan was the first planet to be destroyed by use of the Death Star, there were prior tests on large cities on at least two other planets. We learn – albeit, only through a one-sentence line drop – that the Jedis are in full-blow hiding, but they are known and known of throughout the galaxy.
We come to learn how to Death Star was made, who it was made by, and why it was so easy to destroy in Episode IV. It felt more like an Avengers movie, or Godzilla, or some other mid-2010’s action battle film.ġ.) We do learn some neat tidbits that add to the essence of the Star Wars universe. It was entertaining and it did donate some new semi-valuable information to the Star Wars franchise, but it didn’t have that special Star Wars feeling.

I am not the only one to think so, however I am in the few*. Overall, I cannot in all honesty say that Rogue One is a particularly impressive film.

Disclaimer: As a huge Star Wars fan this is not an entirely un-biased review.